How long for my base strings?
3 years, 1 month ago by mushgnome
I know everyone’s would be a little different, but how long would you make the base strings for this alpha? Also I’d be doing it the other direction than the pattern, since it would a wall hanging. It would be 98x73. Thanks!
3 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
You can calculate how long the base strings need to be by taking an alpha you already knotted, measuring how long a certain amount of rows is and then use that to calculate how long 73 rows are.

You of course will need some extra because you need to tie the base strings to the dowel and make tassels or something like that at the end.

I also recommend to double the length so you can use lark's head knots to attach the base strings to the dowel.
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by stasia
It all depends on how tight you knot. You can calculate how many rows you knot per inch or centimeter, and divide that by the 73 rows. If you are doing this pattern on a dowel, multiply that value by 2, and add around 10-15 cm/5-7 inches extra for grip.

(THIS IS IF I DID IT ON A DOWEL) For example, the way that I would calculate this is that I know that I knot at 6 rows per centimeter. This means that the actual length for the rows would be: 12.2 cm. I would multiply this by 2, which would be 24.4 cm. Then, I would add 14 inches for grip (which makes 7 inches for grip on each string). This would be the length you would cut for one base string, which when folded would make 2 base strings to attach on the dowel. hope this helps!! ❤️