How do I use the generator?
3 years, 2 months ago by disco
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by stilesS58
depending on what you want to do: for patterns move the arrows and press save then add keywords ands check the checkbox then submit, for alphas(wouldnt reccomend for begginers) it is similiar but instead of arrows it is blocks and wait for a moderator to accept the pattern. For variations look at the top of the screen there are colors and you change them then press save and test then see if you like it and submit. For photos at every pattern next to rate at the right of it there is going to be a function called photo click on it then find your picture and submit a moderator may decline or approve it if they decline see why they did and try to fix what might be wrong with it. for videos it is the same but you have to submit a phot aswell, it seems you know how to use the forum so you are all set, also if you want to find a pattern type a keyword of the pattern or the # number of it for example #18 and so on. Btw you level up and with more levels the higher/lower you can rate patterns.
3 years, 2 months ago by halokiwi
You need to be on the website. On a computer hover over your name on the top right and click "create patterns" in the drop down menu. Then you can pick if you want to design a normal or alpha pattern.

Do you have a specific question? I recommend to play around with the generator a little because especially interactive normal and draw alpha are very intuitive. Don't forget to click "save" before going to normal or alpha when using those.

You can only submit the pattern when on the first page of the generator. There you have to add at least five keywords that describe the pattern.

Here are some tutorials that might be helpful:

Adding keywords:

Eliminating the automated warnings:
This tutorial was written when the interactive normal generator didn't exist yet, but it still mostly applies and can also be used for alphas.

Alpha from image:

Shaped normal patterns:

Making normal patterns easier to segment-knot