My alpha is still elongated/stretched, why is that?
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by magiconch
I’m working on my third alpha and the pattern is still stretched, I thought the knots were loose enough (not too tight). Do I just need more experience making alphas for them to eventually not be long, or is something else wrong?
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by AppleBunny
Hi there! It really depends on a lot of different things! First of all the string type can be a thing. It might the string is too big or small! Second how tight the knots are. If the knots are too lose it will slide around on the base strings and stretch out. If it’s to tight it can bunch up! Third if when you pull the knots and you pull it low on the base strings it might sit where you pushed it down! Hope this helped!
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by aiden707
You can also try using thicker base strings. Or doubling up the base strings so that you knot on 2 strings instead of one.
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by _Ederle_
This happens to me sometimes. Usually for me it’s because my knots are too loose. There is not much that you can do about it u less you are still working on the bracelet.
You could try using thicker string if your string is really thing, or thinner string if it’s too thick.
I don’t know the brand that I use, but I have heard that Loops and Thread is a good brand along with DMC.
Hope this helped! Good luck on your bracelet!
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by magiconch
I really appreciate everyone's feedback! I'm sorry for replying so late, I was busy with school and finals.

I only have experience with DMC string, and my second alpha was stretched too, but I thought my knots were too tight, so I loosened them. However, all three of the alphas I'm currently working on are stretched too, even though I've tried to push the knots higher on the base strings and have tied them looser on one alpha and tighter on the other. I've even tried stretching them horizontally 😭

Has anyone else experienced this on this level? Do I just need to practice more?
3 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
Like @aiden707 said, in this case I would recommend using a thicker base string or if you don't have thicker strings that you can use as base strings, using two strings instead of one per base string