How do I agree to the terms of use after I’ve already signed up??
5 years, 5 months ago by coxjul000
I signed up to BraceletBook but forgot to agree to the terms of use. When creating a pattern, it says, “You did NOT agree with our terms and conditions. You'll have to tick the checkbox down on this page to continue. You have to fill in the 'keywords' field in order to submit a pattern. Due to these warnings, your pattern cannot be submitted to the site.” I can’t find a check box anywhere, so I’m kind of stuck right now. I tried to submit a pattern to the site but not sure if it went through. If anyone can help, that would be great!!!
Bracelet King
5 years, 5 months ago by 22graffeod
To be on the site, you do have to accept it, so you probably did accept it. I’m not sure what platform you’re on but the box should be right above where you submit the pattern. It’s pretty small. You also do have to put in at least four words to describe your pattern so that people can find it if they want.
5 years, 5 months ago by coxjul000
thanks!! 👍