Adding string onto a Working string
Bracelet King
11 years, 11 months ago by LordJessie
I've been doing pattern #5418 (Captain America) and I'm on the N. I only have like 2 feet left of the black background string. Can I just tie more black onto the end of it or would that not be a good idea? [I don't want to try and have there be a better way...]

Please and thank you for any help~
Bracelet King
11 years, 11 months ago by KotinKandy
you can do that or just substitute the string like how you would when you are doing a multi colored alpha (there is a tutorial for that if you dont know how). i would substitute the new longer black in and when finished at the end cut the string from the back and gently put a SUPER thin layer of tacky glue over where you substituted the strings.
if that didnt make sense you can ask again and i wont be offended XDn😛😄😉
Bracelet King
11 years, 11 months ago by LordJessie
I'm not really sure how to substitute in another string for the multicolored alphas so if tying on a new piece works just ask well would that be fine? Would it leave a random bulgy knot in the bracelet. [I should probably make it known that I'm using yarn rather than embroidery thread so I don't know if that will affect the outcome...] xD
Bracelet King
11 years, 11 months ago by Tikal
I am making a video.. 🙂 It's the way I do it..but a knot might long as you can pull both of the ends and it doesn't pull apart. 🙂 I would suggest practicing first. 🙂
Bracelet King
11 years, 11 months ago by KotinKandy
there is a good chance that there might be a bulgy knot. sometimes it will be on the back of the bracelet and then sometimes there will be a blob in the front. it all depends on where that part of the strings ends up on the knot. but yet again i havent used yarn but know that it is thicker (i think correct me if im not) so the knot bulgy knot might be noticeable. but also BeyondBracelets (on youtube) has several video tutorials on how to do alphas. how to substitute will probably be under the multicolor alpha (with those you have to substitute) 😄