Making a teardrop loop? (starting and ending bracelets)
3 years, 4 months ago by sagebraid
Hi! I can’t figure out how to make correct triangle ends for my bracelets, they always turn out wrong. Can somebody help me?!
3 years, 4 months ago by halokiwi
I think it all comes down to practice.A teardrop loop is a loop with two triangle ends or two half-triangle ends. I would recommend trying to do a simple triangle end first before continuing with a teardrop loop. Here is my general advice for triangle ends: - take a screenshot of the pattern or print it out so you can draw your triangle end into the pattern. This will help you see more clearly in which order the strings need to be. - make the edge of the triangle end, there are two different ways to do that. You can either make a single colored edge or make a multicolor edge. The multicolor edge is what most people do. For the multicolor edge you need to do bf knots on the left edge and fb knots on the right edge. Take the first knot of one side and make a knot around all the other strings of that side. Take the second string and make a knot around all except the first, take the third string and make a know around all except the first and the second and so on. For the single colored edge you take the string that needs to be last and make fb knots around all the strings on the left and leave one more string out each time. On the right edge you need to do bf knots. - after you've made the edge, you can continue with the center of the triangle Can you describe what exactly you are struggling with? I also wrote this tutorial: |