Pattern crisis edit
3 years, 5 months ago by neeth34
So in my last post it seems i mihht have typed my question wrong so I will explain my question again: (Tysm for everyone to replying)

So my pattern requires 11 strings and 4 colors. How much amount of strings do i cut off each color to achieve 11 when folded?

And i cant send the pattern link as it’s from another website and my post got deleted last time for doing that 🙈
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Rowsitt
you can’t. it’s an odd number. how many of each color(s) do u need?
3 years, 5 months ago by neeth34
That’s what i’m wondering as well shfhdhdhdrhrh and also this pattern leaves outer strings out occasionally
3 years, 5 months ago by halokiwi
Here is a video explaining how to do a loop with an odd number of strings:

Count the amounts of strings that you need of each colour. How many do you need of colour A, how many of colour B, how many of colour C and how many of Colour D?

If you need 4 strings of a certain colour, you can take 2 strings double the length and fold them in half.

If you need 3 strings of a certain colour, you can take 1 string double the length and fold it in half as well as 1 string double the length that is split in half and fold it in half (how to split the string is explained in the video I linked)

So if you have an even amount of a colour, you need half that amount of strings and if the amount is uneven, you need 0,5 less than half and one halved string

This is for when you have a normal pattern. You still did not say if your pattern is a normal or an alpha.

(There is also always the option to ask on the other website, if it is the website I think it is 🙂)
3 years, 5 months ago by neeth34
@halokiwi Omg thank you for all that. Okay so for each color:
A: 6 strings
B: 3 strings
C: 1
d: 1
= 11 strings.
Should I just not fold it in half and tie and knot and just start my pattern?

(ALSOO it is a normal patten.)
3 years, 5 months ago by halokiwi
Yeah, my recommendation would be to just take individual strings, tie a knot and start then. I would only recommend doing something else, if you want to do some kind of fancy loop which I assume you don't.
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by hellooooo
I would cut 3 strings for color A and fold them in half, 1string for color B fold it in half and then cut one more color b string the length of the folded string and do the same for color C and D
3 years, 5 months ago by neeth34
Omg this is perfect and I will do this!! Also for the loop , do i leave the strings folded in half with the folded lenght or?
3 years, 5 months ago by halokiwi
I would recommend you do a very simple loop

Make one big knot with the strings that you folded in half and the ones that are single strings, so you have a loop like @rubisaa11 did for pattern #2

If you want to do a more complex loop, I don't really think that this could be easily explained in the forum, but that you would need to watch a video on it or read a tutorial

In general I recommend to check out videos/tutorials. They can be very helpful.