What do you do with the color strings on the back of an alpha?
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by magiconch
I have 3 strings from the added colors on the back of my first alpha, and they're just sort of... there, loose. Do I tie each into a knot at the base and trim the rest or do I just cut it at the base, and by base I mean where the string exited the alpha.

For the record, this is my first alpha, and it looks okay, I did #94445 but the planet looks flat and wide... is it because it's my first alpha and I haven't mastered the technique yet, or did I do something wrong?
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Rowsitt
yeah u just cut them off. that’s what i do. they nvr get undone or anything.
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Night_Owl
What I usually do is just cut the strings off right at the base but if you're concerned that it may come undone then you can leave a bit of a tail when cutting it off and then glue it to the back side of the alpha.

Also you can mabye try tying your knots a little bit closer together if you want your alphas to be neater but don't worry as alot of people's first alphas don't look perfect and improve over time!
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Minerva
I use a color change method that allows me to cut the excess string without it coming undone. Masha Knots has a tutorial for beginner alphas that uses the same technique called “flat alpha bracelet beginner tutorial”, the color change is about 13 minutes in. For now tho you can just cut them off and dab some glue on the back if you want. Don’t worry about the design looking stretched, that’s just how alphas normally look due to how knots are shaped, and it’ll
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Minerva
Look better as you keep practicing. Great job on trying alphas, and good luck in your future projects!(sorry my message got cut off)
3 years, 5 months ago by mischief
I actually leave them long and braid them into the ties when I'm done with the bracelet.
3 years, 5 months ago by PandaParty
😄 Hello! I just normally cut it off but before I was subconsciously worried about it coming undone so I used clear nail polish to seal it to the back. Hope this helps! 😉
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by clar
flat alpha is the best technique for securing them, but just cutting them at the base is fine! if ur worried use nail polish or glue on the end! and every alpha pattern gets a little distorted, knots aren't perfect squares, and maybe the pattern didn't account for that or didn't make the planet super circular anyway. as it is with anything, practice makes perfect!! happy knotting (:
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by blahblah11
You can cut them and then put on some glue or nail polish to seal it (most people say it won’t undo but I’ve experienced the knot loosening up a lot so put glue or nail polish on it)