Which string should i make the knot on?
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by RangerLane
I think it would be helpful if i knew which string i should tie the knots on. 😄
3 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
Hi, are you trying to make a normal bracelet or an alpha?In normal bracelets look at the arrows in the knots. If the arrow starts from the left, you take the left string and make a knot onto the right string. If the arrow comes from the right, you take the right string and make a knot onto the left string. If there are two strings of the same color, it does not matter which knot you do. There are four knot types used in normal bracelets. Each knot consists of two halves. ↪️ Backward forward knot (bf): the right string is the one you make this knot with onto the left string, the first half of the knot is towards the left and the second towards the right ↩️ Forward backward knot (fb): the left string is the one you make this knot with onto the right string, the first half of the knot is towards the right and the second towards the left ↙️ Backward knot (b): the knot is made with the right string onto the left string, both halves are towards the left ↘️ Forward knot (f): the knot is made with the left string onto the right string, both halves are made towards the right In alpha bracelets only f and b knots are used. You knot them row by row using a leading string with which you knot onto the base strings. To make a knot of a different color, you switch to a different leading string. I recommend watching a video that explains how to read patterns and how to make bracelets in more detail 😄 |
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by RangerLane
Thanks, im not doing alphas just bracelets. 🙂