swiching colors tips(flat alpha)
3 years, 6 months ago by _red_rose_
I started doing my first alpha today and it would be good if not places when I swiched strings. It turn out really bad and ugly and I dunno why. Please help
3 years, 6 months ago by itbemekc
I highly recommend watching alex innovations YouTube tutorial!!! I’m pretty sure it’s called “alpha patterns 101” or something like that! But the bracelet on the thumbnail is blue, yellow, black, and white. They show you how to switch colors up close in full detail and it’s so helpful!
3 years, 6 months ago by itbemekc
I just took note of the flat alpha part. Masha knots has a video on how to do the flat alpha technique along with showing you how to colors switch while doing it! I recommend that one
3 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
Another thing to consider is that it takes practice. This was only your first alpha, so it is unlikely for it to already be perfect 🙂Here are some things to keep in mind - don't knot too tightly or pull on the strings too tightly - try to develop a system where you put your leading strings when you don't use them -practice, practice, practice (you could practice with a pattern with not many colours but many colour switches) |
3 years, 6 months ago by _red_rose_
Thank you💜💜
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by Lou_22
It’s a good idea to tug on the strings around your colour switch if it looks a bit messy. It should help a lot.