how do you make patterns?
3 years, 6 months ago by daphne_alk
When i try to create a pattern it fails completely. I wanted to practice making the chevron, but the chevron didn't work. Does anyone have any tutorials or tips?
3 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
Do you mean making a physical bracelet or designing a new pattern in the generator?For designing normal patterns I recommend using the interactive normal generator. There you can click on the individual knots to change them to different knot types. If it is about making a physical bracelet, I recommend checking out a tutorial on YouTube. It is completely normal that bracelets turn out a bit wonky in the beginning. You just have to keep practicing so that you get used to making knots so the knots become more consistent. |
3 years, 6 months ago by daphne_alk
yess i mean designing a new pattern, it won't work
3 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
Can you describe what exactly isn't working?In the normal normal genrator (not the interactive one) you write the knots into the text box that says "knots". To do that you can also use the buttons on the top right of that box. The knots get separated by commas and the pattern is written row by row. In one row in the text box there are all knots that are in a row in the pattern. You have to keep in mind to use the correct amount of knots: - for a pattern with an even amount of strings you have half that amount of knots in uneven rows and half minus one in even rows. - for patterns with an uneven amount of strings you have half minus 0,5 knots in each row. The amount of total rows has to be even. For a chevron pattern you need f knots (forward knots) on the left side and b knots (backwards knots) on the right side. In the center you can do either knot. A typical chevron knotting structure would look like this: f,f,b,b f,f,b This would be a chevron with 8 strings which is pattern #2 It is easier to use the interactive generator because it is more intuitive. I recommend to just play around with it some more and I am sure you'll figure it out 😄 |
3 years, 6 months ago by daphne_alk
I'm trying to add more colors to the chevron in the 'interactive' but it doesn't work??
3 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
Click on the box next to "using color". Either enter a color code in it or pick a color using the slider.Once you have picked the color you like, click at the beginning or the end of the string you want to change to that color. |
3 years, 6 months ago by daphne_alk
I made a pattern. How can I allow it on the website? Just click save?
3 years, 6 months ago by madeleine_
If you go back to the “normal” page (the button for it is near the top of the page, next to the button that says “interactive normal”), you can scroll down a little and click the “submit to the site” button right above the pattern preview. In order to submit the pattern, you’ll need to click the little box next to the statement that the pattern isn’t copyrighted and enter in at least five relevant keywords that characterize your pattern (“whitespace”, “separated”, and “keywords” should be deleted from the keywords box). Then click “save and test” to save all of that. Make sure to also read the review guidelines before submitting the pattern. There’s a link above the “submit to the site” button, and also at the bottom of every page on the website.