Odd number of colours but not enough string to just cut 14 strings?
3 years, 6 months ago by caoixu
Hiya I'm relatively new to knotting but I'm doing quite well. I have I wanted to start pattern #35094 today but there's seven of each colour so I'm just a little confused as to how to pair the strings or how to start in general. Any help is appreciated. ^^
3 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
My recommendation would be to not do a loop and just cut 7 strings of each colour of the length you need for one string (not doubled like when you do a loop).

For this pattern I can recommend knotting row by row because it consists of only fb and bf knots.

You bring the strings in an alternating order: black, white, black, white and so on... I recommend taping them down.

Then you start by making all the knots of the first row. For that you pair the strings up: the first knot is between the first and second string, the second between the third and fourth strings and so on...

Once you've done all knots of row 1, you continue in row 2. In row 2 (and in all following even rows) you need to leave out the first and the last string.