why are my normal patterns turning out bumpy and sloppy?
3 years, 7 months ago by snailknots
I’ve had this issue in the past when I first started making bracelets but I realized it was because I was making the knots too tight. I’ve always done chevron and candy stripe bracelets but today I decided to make a heart pattern the pattern turned out sloppy looking and the knots weren’t properly tied. I tied the knots as I usually do, making a 4 shape twice and gently pulling. The bracelet still turned out weird. I was thinking it could be because I started using a different brand of string. The string kept getting stuck half way while making knots.

I don’t know what’s happening please help
me. 😭
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by AppleBunny
Hi there

I haven’t seen the bracelet so I can’t have an exact reason why it turning out so sloppy but it may be because your knots aren’t tight enough. I think they are too loose and if it is too loose they can sometimes look sloppy and be stretchy. That happened to me when I first started making bracelets but then I started doing tighter knots and it didn’t look so bad. I think you need to tighten the knots but not make then super tight so it’s all wonky.

Hope I helped
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by stewon6969
You are probably knotting too tight. When bracelet makers knot too tight, your knots clump together so that they are bumpy.
To help with this, you should stop tying your knots so tight and make them as loose as you can so that your bracelets will end up floppy and soft. Once you got that down then you can slowly start tightening them again until you have the perfect knot tension for you to make beautiful and flawless bracelets!
Now make sure that you understand that by making your knots looser that only means making your first half of the knot loose then the second half you can tighten it to keep it in place.
I hope that I have helped you make better and looser and less bumpy bracelets!
Happy bracelet making!
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by minutcraft
@snailknots personally, whether one knots tightly or loosely, I’ve found that string could contribute to bracelets looking bumpy if they’re the stretchy yarn type, because they don’t quite hold their ‘shape’/form well even if you knot at a consistent tension rate. The other possibility is that the pattern you’re following makes it easy to pull the bracelet out of shape if one isn’t careful/using the straight edges technique, and some of my bracelets can attest.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by minutcraft
as some of my bracelets can attest*
3 years, 7 months ago by mischief
Also, try washing your bracelets after you're finished and letting them dry flat. I've had a couple I thought were a lost cause that turned out perfect after washing!
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by clar
try segment knotting! this is the technique u most likely used while making candy stripe & chevron, but maybe did not use while following patterns. there are lots of tutorials on it!
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by clar
whoops i tried to enter to add more text lol. it also could be from the brand or knots being too loose or tight. just experiment! most importantly, make sure to use the same knot tension all around so some parts aren't too tight while others are too loose. and try not to mix brands of string as some vary in tension & thickness. happy knitting! hope this helps!! (: <3