Help ! My base string fell off...
3 years, 7 months ago by celestea
Hey !

I was doing an alpha for the first time, and while I was tying one knot, one of my base string fell off... I already did a few lines (3-4 + a triangle beginning) and the only option I can currently see is to re-do everything... >.< Does anyone have a tip in this situation ? Or do I just need to untie everything and start again ?

Thank you for your answers !
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Chaty_Chun
You don’t need to redo anything just put a string underneath your alpha and use it as your base string and knot normally, there’s some tutorials on how to do it on YouTube (mashaknotz, Alex innovations,)
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by AJsHere
it's pretty easy to replace one, just be sure that it is well secured and be gentle when making the next few rows os knots on to it, or it will pull through and case problems. I like to tie the top to another carrying string in the back. hope this helps let me know how it goes! ❤️