straight start alphas
3 years, 8 months ago by NB6056
i have designed a pattern that i am very excited to make. it is fairly wide and i don''t want to do triangle ends. i would like a straight start, and to avoid any curvy rows. anyone have suggestions?
3 years, 8 months ago by madeleine_
This might be a little excessive, but for straight starts I like to tape down the base strings onto a book or sideways/upside down clipboard, leaving enough at the beginning for ties like usual. Then I use binder clips to attach a ruler to the book/clipboard on top of the strings, so that the knots won’t be able to get pushed up further than the ruler and the first row will be perfectly straight
3 years, 8 months ago by NB6056
@madeleine_ not excessive at all! i'm sure its worth the effort. i looked at your profile for some inspiration, and came across a striking picture of pattern #35985 it appears as though you used a similar technique to the normal pattern triangle end to give your bracelet a clean start. is that so?
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by oceanknot
This isn’t the same technique madeline_ was talking about, but here’s a tutorial for starting/ending alphas with straight edges