Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by sunshine5
I need motivation I am just not excited to make bracelets anymore .. I just kinda got over it but I want to resume but I just can’t can someone please get me motivated
3 years, 8 months ago by _DiamondS
A yes, this happens to me A LOT.
Watch Masha Knots, Alex renovations, or Kinsly B. they helped me get back into bracelets!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by lucass_
sometimes that happens to me w normal bracelets, personally they sometimes get too repetitive if they’re not big enough.... so many try doing something complicated if you feel up to it?
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by crafter83
I like doing something easy, like a daisy chain
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by shayD
I wasn't very motivated recently because I was working on a alpha that was taking a lot of time. I think that if you are making similar stuff again and again it gets kinda boring. So if you were doing a lot of alphas maybe try a quick normal pattern. I just made pattern #78834 after watching masha knots tutorial on it and it really got me motivated again because it was really different to the bracelets that I had been making before. Hope that helps ❤️
3 years, 8 months ago by obieeggs
I would recommend either taking a break for a bit or working on one and only one simple bracelet at a time
3 years, 8 months ago by bunny9
I would recommend either switching up the type ur make like for me I would go on this alpha spree and just make alphas. what ended up happening is that i lost my motivation and got bored so i tried to get back into it by starting a normal bracelet and im back to being hooked lol. if that dosent work my next recommendation would be take advantage of the key words search bar type into it something you like such as a show (sherlock or lucifer or glee or anything else) or a character ( uhhhh example: gudatama ) or you can even try songs or sports.
hoped this helps so that you can go back to bracelet making ❤️
3 years, 8 months ago by katherined
I haven't felt like making bracelets recently but I'm currently making a small wallhanging, something I've never tried before. I would suggest making something new or a gift or a friend or whatever you want to make. I love shopping for new thread, so I went to Michaels to pick out some new colors, and I'm really excited to try them out. Feel free to take a break but remember that slow progress is still progress. Another thing I would recommend is going outside to knot if the weather permits. Sometimes I get sick of knotting so switching locations helps me. If you have a social media account, Instagram, Tiktok, etc, I would recommend looking at creations that other people are making to get inspiration of what pattern to make next. Also, watch bracelet collection videos! These always inspire me to make more bracelets. (: I hope this helps! <3
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by 5torr
It's okay to take a break. There are so many other great things to do and to learn. One day when you're done with those other things, you'll remember bracelets and return. Doing only bracelets is like eating only pizza every single day.