Help me, i dont know how to read patterns
5 years, 7 months ago by Apple0Jax
How the heck do i read these "patterns"?
5 years, 7 months ago by Margaron
You read them row by row! If you’ve learnt in a segmented knotting fashion like I was taught then the patterns may throw you off at first. The patterns go in straight horizontal lines. If you know how to make a candy stripe bracelet or a chevron bracelet it may be useful to search one of them in patterns so you can see what the formal pattern actually looks like. I believe there is a pictorial in the tutorials section on here as well. If written isn’t your way though myself and a number of other people have made YouTube videos showing how to read patterns. Masha knots and beyond bracelets are popular. Also, if you are on the computer you can click on any knot and it will show you the diagram for how to tie it.
5 years, 7 months ago by _ellijo
this is rlly helpful thank you