problem with alpha from image
5 years, 8 months ago by F-R-B_10
I am using a macbook and I made a picture in pages with objects and text. After I made the picture I took a screen shot of the picture I made. When I went to create an alpha from image pattern I selected the screen shot of the picture I made, I left the hight and width at 100, and I unchecked trim. when i clicked save and test the letters and objects weren't clear so it didn't look like my picture. after that i tried again and changed the hight and width to a bigger number and it was clear. i am going to need more than 20 strings to make the bracelet. what could i do to the picture so the pattern will be clear and i wont need more than 20 strings?
Hope someone understands my problem and can explain to me how i might be able to fix it.
5 years, 8 months ago by Margaron
You could upload your pic and then switch to draw mode and clean up your text etc. manually. Otherwise, cropping your picture or perhaps upping the amount of colours? It’s hard to say but your best bet is probably to switch into draw mode and clean it up manually
5 years, 7 months ago by JadeHawk52
It’s never going to be perfect at that low a string count. Think of each knot as a “pixel” and the overall pattern as a digital drawing. The more “pixels” you have, the more detailed the overall product. But if you want to lower your string count you can try my trick, I se it to a medium string count (usually 15-17 or so) plug in my picture, then take note of what needs to be changed from the original and doing it manually. If you have any more questions feel free to message me!