how to read patterns with floss ID on the side/on rows
6 years ago by mayaq
Hi,I get how to read patterns where each thread is labeled by a letter ID on the top so you see the order in which you lay out each color at the very beginning when after tying all the strings together, like in the following pattern -- but what does it mean when you only have white unlabeled strings in a pattern along the vertical length but each knot is colored and the labeled IDs of each string are on each row of a pattern like in this next pattern? Thanks! |
Bracelet King
6 years ago by TESTERBEN
These patterns are called alpha patterns. To learn mire about them, read my response to the question 'Pattern 20629.'
Bracelet King
6 years ago by aninha22
@mayaq The alpha patterns are made differently, the white strings are used as a basis for tying colored strings. There are several alpha pattern tutorials on Youtube.Hope this helps! 🤮 ❤️ |
Bracelet King
6 years ago by TESTERBEN
OMG, I just realized I said 'mire' instead of 'more.' 🤮