How can I set the price of my work?.
4 years ago by clangebee
I'm planning to sell it. But I don't know if how can I arrange the prices. Pls help thank you
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Emakes
Do you have an Etsy shop or something like that? If not I'd recommend setting one up before you try to sell. As for picking a price, try to figure out what prices other people are selling similar things for and work from there. Hope this helps! ❤️
4 years ago by katherined
Typically you want to factor in how much time it takes you. For example, if you were making a wall hanging with a lot of strings you want it to be more money because it will likely take more time. I would also recommend looking at other Etsy shops to figure out a baseline price. Hope this helps! 😉
4 years ago by clangebee
Thank you so much for the both of you. I will try it. 😊😊
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Deer-Teeth
If you want to set a price on your stuff, here's how you should do it:

First of all, you have to take in the cost of your material. How much string do you think you used to make it? are there any other supplies you used, like tape or a clipboard to hold it down? Did you add a button? etc. etc. the list goes on. lets say you got a pack of 10 skeins for a dollar, and you used about 4 of them (round it up, if you used 3.5 its enough used that you can round it) then that's $.40. if you got some cheap tape for $1 and you use like 10 turns, guestimate how much that would be of the roll. so lets say you used 1/10 of the tape for the one bracelet (i use a lot so this is actually realistic) then thats an added $.10 to your total cost. now you have $.50. With this, you're going to multiply it by 2, which equals $1 for your total stuff. You not only have to buy back the supplies you used, but you need to make a profit, so in this situation it just makes sense to do so, since its not by a lot.

Step 2, time yourself. See how long it takes you to make a bracelet. you also need to figure out how much you want to work per hour. lets just go with $5. if it takes you 1 hour to make a bracelet, then thats $5 + the cost of your supplies = $6

after that, figure out how complicated it is and how much you want to increase or decrease by. If it's a candy stripe, stick with the $5 because its very easy and doesn't take that long to do. But if the design is more complicated, like an arrowhead or a starburst, then raise the price a little with each design the more complicated it is. So with the prices we used above, you can raise the price of an arrow head to about $7-8 depending on your quality of work. a starburst could go for $10-12 depending how large it is. It's really just figuring out what you think your products are worth. When working at a job, you make money based off of the skills you learned for that job, kinda like going to college. Thats why it increases, because you're making them pay for your learning experience too, just like with any other job.

to sum it up:
take the cost of your material. Multiply that by 2
time yourself
figure out how much you want to work per hour
figure out difficulty of design

I know this seems like a lot, but trust me, this will make it a lot easier to figure out prices then you would think, and since its a sort of formula if anyone asks why your prices are the way that they are you can bring all of these into consideration!!!
4 years ago by clangebee
Thank you so much @Deer-Teeth it really helps 😊
Bracelet King
4 years ago by blahblah11
Charge how much money the material you bought cost so let’s say if you used half a skein of thread, and let’s say you used DMC so you paid 50 cents for it so half of 50 is 25 so you’re charge 25 cents and let’s say you used half a skein if 3 colors so then you’re charge 75 cents for all the string you used, also when you make a bracelet, set a stopwatch so you can see hoe long it took you to make it, you could find amount of money to charge per an hour of making the bracelet. It’s a hard long process to list something especially if you bought a pack of 36 skeins for 5 dollars then each skein would cost 0.1338, so there’s lots of math involved.