3 years, 11 months ago by bbyb
As many have said, practice! I’d also recommend sticking with normal patterns until you have a consistent tension in the knotting of your strings! I’d also recommend when changing lead strings, make sure you fully pull the previous lead string to the back of the bracelet so you dont see it slightly between the knots! Also dont be disheartened, no one is perfect, my alphas have improved TONS but i still have a long long way to go!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by blahblah11
When I made my first alpha it was hideous (you can look at the picture of it, I posted it on this website, it’s the blue bracelet one.) then when I made my second alpha (I stopped making it) it actually was turning out good! Now my alphas are pretty decent! (But not the blue butterfly keychain, I have a picture if it on this website. Turned out really weird, it doesn’t look that bad but compare it to the orange butterfly which is the same pattern, it’s so bad and is just straight up sad.) So pretty much what I’m saying is it can be easy when you get the hang of it, (or at least it was easy for me) so practice makes not perfect, but permanent. (‘Cause when you practice you get used to those steps so you become better, there’s really no such thing as perfection, so practice makes perfect 🙂.)
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by blahblah11
Permanent* it autocorrected it to say perfection lol.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Aharnish27
Honestly I’m not sure when I started alphas I made a name one from my brain kind of improvised and it was pretty big so I think that helped and then I used the straight edges technique