how does this website work
3 years, 11 months ago by hiimmax
how does this work? i’m a bit lost
3 years, 11 months ago by chocochip
Basically, it’s a place where you can find a bunch of different patterns for alpha and regular bracelets. People crest these patterns and post pictures of their finished bracelets. You rank up by being active on the website and the higher your rank the more privileges you have/things you can do. There’s a forum to ask question and talk and many people participate in challenges or just kind of nerd out over bracelet stuff. If you have any more specific questions I’d love to help!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Crafty_K
Hello! This website, like @chocochip said, is where you can search for patterns that you like. There are a bunch of tutorials that can help you read the patterns on here, and after you are finished with a bracelet, you can post a photo, which is linked to the pattern that you did. Also, you can customize your bio, and tell people about yourself. You can add photo tutorials in the "tutorials" section at the top orange stripe, by just creating a document and adding photos, formatting it correctly, as well as adding words to describe what you are doing in the tutorial. If you have any questions, go to the "FAQ" section at the bottom of any page. Also, if you have a YouTube channel, you can add videos by clicking on "add a video" of any pattern. You can also create patterns by hovering your mouse over your account name, and click "create patterns," whereas you can choose what type of pattern. @KrazyKnotz has some videos on this. I will link them here:
How to make normal patterns:
How to add variations to normal patterns:
Tips on getting patterns accepted:
I hope this helps! 😄
3 years, 11 months ago by hiimmax
tysm for the help 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by zoeyllm
Can you expand on your question?
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by danielle_3
this is a website where the community of people who love to make bracelets can interact with each other! there's thousands of patterns on here which you can save to your to-do list if you want to make them later. you can also rate patterns. if you want to let the creator know you like it then rate it 5 stars! there's also a way to "love" a pattern by adding it your love list. if you want to make the pattern in other colors then you can add a variation and change the colors to whatever you want. if i were you i would just keep exploring the site and eventually you will kind of start to figure it out! that's what i've been doing and that's how i learned all of this. i didn't tell you everything btw because someone else already explained part of it!
3 years, 11 months ago by Immy
So BraceletBook is a community where people who like making bracelets can help each other and make friends!! The red bar at the top of the website is how you can navigate. There is patterns, photos, videos, tutorials,forum,your profile, friends, chat, messages and notifications. On your profile you have a rank and you can rank up by being active. You can add patterns you want to save to your to-do and loves, and you can also upload photos of the bracelets you make. You also have the option to make patterns, as well as make variations of patterns that already exist.
I hope this helps you 🙂
3 years, 11 months ago by jimenez
hi im new and idk how to make my own pattern like ik i go to the create button and what do i do next
3 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
@jimenez when you click "create patterns" you'll get to a page where all your patterns are stored that you haven't submitted yet. There you can pick if you want to create a new normal or alpha pattern.

Do you have a question about a specific pattern type?

For designing normal patterns I recommend playing around with the interactive normal pattern generator to get a feeling for the structure of normal patterns.

For the alpha generator I recommend to go to draw alpha. There you can draw the pattern how you want knot by knot.

To submit a pattern you need to go to the first page of each generator (normal for the normal pattern generator and alpha for the alpha pattern generator). Before you go there you need to click "save" in order for you to not loose your progress when leaving the interactive normal generator or draw alpha.

In normal/alpha you need to add at least four keywords that describe the pattern. Think about what you would search for if you tried to search for a pattern like yours. Then you have to click the box that says share rights. After that you can click submit.
3 years, 11 months ago by jimenez
yeah ik but how do i get or go to the draw alpha thing you said
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by oceanknot
@jimenez. You have to be on the website, not the app in order to create patterns. On the website, there should be a drop down bar under your profile that has an option that says create patterns. You can make patterns on any device, you just need to be on the website
3 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
@jimenez oh sorry, I thought you knew how to get there but just wanted to know how to use it. @oceanknot gave a pretty good answer 👍
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Crafty_K
I also recently made a video on this. Here's the link:
I hope this helps! So sorry if this is a little late! 😊