Base string length
Bracelet King
4 years ago by IFoundNemo
Is there a way to know how long to make your base strings for alphas? Is about 9 inches or 23 centimeters enough for #45716 with triangle ends and short ties?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Clairaland
Okay so for this specific one, It has a longer dimension, I usually cut my strings one arm length then fold in half and I think that would work here
Bracelet King
4 years ago by IFoundNemo
You sure that’s for base strings? Thank you, it just sounds really long!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by crafter83
I would say between 3-4 times wrapped around your wrist if it’s for you
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Someone_
Usually 2 to 3 inches bigger than your wrist adding a little extra for the start and the end is enough. Really they just need to be as long as you want your bracelet (or whatever you're making) and ties to be. 🙂
4 years ago by Butterflz
I know this won’t help for normals or if you haven’t done a alpha yet ... (Since this really only works for alphas ) ....But I normally measure the length of a previous alpha that has around the same amount of rows then add another inch or inch and a half for the loop and twisted ties or other ends.
4 years ago by madeleine_
If you want to make an alpha that is just one repetition of a certain design (it seems like that’s what you want to do based on the pattern you listed) then the length of your strings will be based on the amount of rows in the design. If you’ve made an alpha before, use a ruler to measure how long a ten-row section is, and then divide that number by ten to get the approximate length of one row. For example, 10 rows in one of my previously-made alphas take up around 1.8cm, which means that each of my rows is around .18cm long. This number will be different for everyone.

Once you have this number, multiply it by the amount of rows that you’ll be knotting, including any background rows. The pattern you mentioned has 52 rows, so if I were to make it, the pattern would be approximately 9.36cm long (.18 * 52 = 9.36).

Now you’ll need to figure out how long your ends will be. If you’re doing triangle ends for the pattern you mentioned, each triangle end will be 14 rows long, so 28 rows total. Multiply this by your row length, then add it to the number you got in the previous step. You also said you wanted to do short ties. Around 10cm for each tie should be enough, so add 20cm to the base string length.

I would also add a little extra to account for errors and unexpected things, so that would be around 5-10 extra cm. And now you’re done! Here’s a “formula” for it for that specific pattern, if you let r = your own personal row length in cm:

52r + 28r + 20 + 10 = the suggested base string length in cm.

I’m sorry this ended up being so long, but I hope it was helpful (and not too late)! Let me know if you have any questions 😊
Bracelet King
4 years ago by IFoundNemo
@madeleine wow, thank you! That actually really really helps!!! It’s so logical, but I hadn’t thought of it!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by blahblah11
They should be around the size of the size you want your bracelet to be because in normal patterns all your string shortens as you use it but in alphas the base strings don’t shorten or grow they just stay the same so maybe half and arms length