Submitting patterns?
3 years, 12 months ago by sprinkles1
Hi so I have a buNch up alpha patterns and I want to submit them. Also I know about key words so can you plz tell me how to send in patterns. Also if the mods decline it why do they
3 years, 12 months ago by sprinkles1
Please help
3 years, 12 months ago by sprinkles1
Also is it the same thing with variations
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by Knots_EM
To submit a pattern just click the "submit to site" button which is next to the save button. If mods decline a pattern then you will get a notification saying so and you can see the decline message when you click on the notification. To find out more about the review process look at the review guidelines, you can find these at the bottom of the webpage. For variations, because it's an already existing pattern, mods mainly just look at the colours and make sure that they aren't too similar or if a similar variation already exists, once again check the review guidelines for more. I hope this helps
3 years, 12 months ago by halokiwi
Alpha patterns can only be submitted when on the "alpha" page of the alpha pattern generator. In order to submit a pattern you need to add at least four keywords and click the box that says "share rights". I recommend clicking "save" after doing that to see if any warnings pop up on top. If there are still warnings I recommend fixing them before submitting because warnings make the pattern less likely to be accepted.The most common reasons for patterns to be declined are missing keywords, too similar colours, a similar pattern already existing or not being complex enough or it being one of the patterns we no longer accept (for example simple word patterns). You can find a list of patterns we no longer accept in the review guidelines as mentioned above. |