4 years ago by Lots_Knots
I saw on one users account ‘(banned)’ written under their prof pic? The user in question is @amaze how did they get banned? In general what gets you banned? Is it permanent? I’m confused.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by zoeyllm
Basically, either they did not want to have an account but since there is no ‘delete account’ option, they asked the admin to ban them. They other option is that they tried to post something innappropriate or rude and they got banned. There is no way to say what happened and honestly, there shouldn’t be. Don’t worry, it’s prosbay really hard to get banned and if you email the admin if you do get banned they would tell you!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Elise64
@amaze was very rude, she was kind of rude on a blm pattern, she made a forum post and said that krazyknotz shouldn’t be a mod when she was just following the rules and then acted like everyone was rude and harassing her when they replied, and she said “maybe work on your technique a little before you post photos, kay? Also, those tassels...” to the BEAUTIFUL photo of her pattern #70099 😐
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Elise64
Also, when you get banned it can be temporary or permanent. You get banned for being rude or inappropriate or if you ask your account to be banned, and I think that there’s a way for them to ban their IP address if they keep creating new accounts and being rude or inappropriate but I don’t really know how that works
Bracelet King
4 years ago by doogielove
Being banned basically just means that a user has been very inappropriate or not very polite to the website and to other users. Other users can contact the Admin or a Mod and inform them about this users behavior. Then the Admin can Ban them. Hope this helps! Happy knotting!