please help !
4 years ago by Emiii
I am trying to follow a tutorial on YouTube of how to do triangle starts and teardrop loop with alphas and I am at the part where I need to make the triangle come together but in the video it says to knot the middle two but I have a middle three ??!!!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by lizzie645
@Emiii I just go ahead and knot the middle three whenever I find that problem come up. It doesn't seem to effect my start or end. There is probably some other way out there to do it but this is just what works for me. 🙂
4 years ago by Emiii
I have to knott them together so should I knott one onto two strings ? C
4 years ago by fizzle
yes i would say so that is what i usually do
4 years ago by halokiwi
You are doing the technique where you make the triangle ends like you would in a normal pattern, right? In addition to that the amount of base strings you have is uneven?

Let's say you have a triangle with 6 strings on the left and one with 5 on the right. In the bottom row of the left triangle you have 3 knots. In the bottom row of the right triangle you have two knots and then one loose string,

You can now either start knotting with your leading string onto the base strings row by row and use that to connect the two halves or you could do one more row of "normal bracelet knotting". For the normal bracelet method you leave the very first string out and pair all the other strings in groups of two. Then you make knots between these groups of two. This will automatically connect both halves.

Did I understand your problem correctly or did I confuse you more?