teardrop final connecting knot...
4 years ago by Belle0812
I have trouble keeping the last knot of the tear drop tight... I can’t seem to tie it right!!! Every time I do it it goes loose 🙁 any advice?
4 years ago by halokiwi
I use a clip-board and clip the loop down in a way that the two ends are close to each other. This way making the knot is easier. I'm sure with tape you can do the same thing. 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by ximogenlaw
so once you’ve done half a forward know so one out of the two knots pull down on the string you’re knotting onto and knot really tight
Bracelet King
4 years ago by valeb
I don't tie that loop until after I have finished a row then I tie both tightly so it doesn't undo. hope that helps!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Deer-Teeth
Hello! I think we all share the same feeling of frustration lol

I usually get someone to help by holding down the knot with their finger until i'm ready to make the second half, but when I don't have anyone else to help I make the knot as best as I can, hold the knot with my middle finger and thumb, and work with my other hand to make the rest of the knot, get it as far up as it will go, and then slowly take my fingers apart and slide the knot as I go. I seem to get perfect starts every time when I do either, so hopefully that wasn't too confusing to read

Another thing that's useful is to do as much of the second row as possible so your bracelet is more stable and can hold the knot better
Bracelet King
4 years ago by isabel_gw
Make sure when you have made one part of the knot to pull that half really tight and hold it with your finger or something and then make the other half
4 years ago by loshluf
I always do the teardrop loop, but not that last centre knot. Then I knot the first row, until the centre, and tie the centre knot of the loop and immediately after finish the first row. This secures it really well and it won’t come undone. Hope it helps. Also the best way to knot is on a clipboard I found, so if you aren’t doing it on a clipboard maybe try that with a bulldog clip to hold the bracelet.
4 years ago by Belle0812
Thank you!!!