threads of different thicknesses
Bracelet King
4 years ago by danielle_3
so i recently got some ombre/color shifting thread from one of my friends. i really want to use it but it's tiny bit thicker than the DMC embroidery floss i normally use. idk what the brand of the other thread is and i've asked the person who gave it to me and she doesn't know either. i have used it once but as you can see in my photo of #12572 it made the edges look all weird. i was using the straight edge technique for most of the keychain too. i may have forgotten on some rows because i was new to using that technique so that could have effected the final bracelet. anyways my question is does anybody know what i can do with the thread or what patterns i can make without it messing up the bracelet because it's a different thickness? please let me know in this forum topic if you have an answer!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by oceanknot
I think any normal pattern would work fine. It’s only in alphas that you have to worry about using different thicknesses of thread. People have mixed yarn and embroidery floss in their normal patterns and it didn’t make them wonky.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by danielle_3
@oceanknot ok thank you for helping!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by baublesbyb
If it's six-stranded, try taking out a strand or two to make it match the thickness of DMC. Maybe knotting tighter when using the color changing string and knotting looser when using Dmc could help also?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by danielle_3
@baublesbyb how come i never thought of that 😂 thanks for helping!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by oceanknot
No problem! Just out of curiosity though, how many strands is DMC? The brand that I use is 6 strands, so I’m just wondering how many strands DMC is.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by danielle_3
@oceanknot i believe it is 6 strands
Bracelet King
4 years ago by oceanknot
Ok, thank you
Bracelet King
4 years ago by baublesbyb
@danielle_3 I hope it works for you!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by danielle_3
@baublesbyb thanks!