I don't expect people to be able to answer this, but please try 😂 page 2
4 years, 1 month ago by knot2339
Um maybe??
4 years, 1 month ago by Lots_Knots
@dear-teath ai'm almost seventeen and a lot of them are
4 years, 1 month ago by garciazamb
You can make patterns, variations, and also post pictures of your creations!! Also saving things on your to-do list can also help you rank up
4 years, 1 month ago by potato1122
It won't, you have to be active to level up (adding friends, adding to-dos, making patterns adding variations submitting photos etc.)
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Deer-Teeth
@Lots_Knots There is only one moderator that is 17, and they're a moderator because they were very helpful to the community! They were close to 18 🙂 you have to be helpful to the community by giving precise help to others problems in the forum and show that you're respectful and can handle that positiontake me for example, I'm very opinionated when it comes to certain topics and I can't keep my mouth shut (literally) and on multiple occasions my comments have been taken down for mentioning topics that I shouldn't have or by being rude to users. I wouldn't be fit to be a moderator, as much as i like this website. I've contributed a lot!! I help out in the forums when I can, I've submitted designs, I'm the age and level requirement, but I still haven't shown that I'm mature enough to be a moderator. And that's fine!! I don't think I could handle being a moderator also, being a moderator is a lot more work than you would think. they have to look at every comment that is made, every forum topic, and moderate what is said. It's a lot of work!! For political designs it can cause a lot of mental strain on you reading through the comments on them. It's also hard on you to have the expectation to fix every problem. they get lots of messages every day asking for help and advice, and it really piles up sometimes. You also have to keep up with accepting designs and variations, and making sure everyone is following the guidelines, and if they're not you have to deal with the situation as best as you can. there was one person in the forum saying that they submitted their design so many times that it got deleted (reasonably so from what I could tell) and they went in the forum and said they didn't deserve to be a moderator. That probably wasn't the first time that has happened, think if you decline someone's pattern so many times you had to delete it, and had them message you saying you shouldn't be a moderator. It sucks big tim!!! It seems like it would be cool to be a moderator, but there's a lot more that comes with that position than may may think 🙂 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by ananya123
😂 😂haha i used to think that, but I dont think it really helped. Ik people say being active helps, so I tried keeping it open whenever I was on online classes 😂 😂
4 years, 1 month ago by Tater
How do I post stuff?