alpha base strings
4 years ago by tary
i have the issue of i want to make some basic alphas and tart learning but i dont have enough of any one string colour for the base strings so i was wondering if the HAD to be all the same colour? running low on string and cant leave the house 🙂also.. does anyone have any simple and cute alpha bracelets i could make for my friend for her bf? cheers. |
4 years ago by beccag05
no, not all base strings have to be the same color! just keep in mind that the base string color will show on the back and at the end of your bracelet. so make sure u like the colors of your base strings and how they go with your other bracelet colors. <3
4 years ago by tary
@beccag05 ok cool, thank you! <3
Bracelet King
4 years ago by allialexis
U can make ur friend and her bf #37327 and split it in half like the photo shows 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by apurva
I recommend getting crochet thread, they come in a huge bundle and they have the bracelet look neater.
4 years ago by tary
@apurva thanks. Do you have any idea of where I could get that in South Aussie?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by apurva
I think you can buy it from Amazon, Eckersleys, and hobby craft and scraps.
4 years ago by tary
@apurva thanks!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by apurva
Your welcome!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by valeb
You can make base strings that are like purple and blue switching or other colors that complement each other! 😄
4 years ago by CookyKnots
U don’t need much of base string, since they will never get shorter. I usually make them the size of a bat leg that fits my wrist. 😄 also, #38672 is a good pattern for ur first alpha. It’s was mine! ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years ago by stewon6969
You dont have to use the same colored string for the base strings! I have done a bracelet that had red white and blue base strings, and it turned out fine! You can do that! I do recommend that you use the same colored base strings but it is ok if you dont. It just wont turn out as nice looking. That is all! I hope you got some useful info for you to use in the future! Happy knotting!