If the straight edge technique is important to alphas why doesn't the pattern have it?
4 years ago by Esemplastc
So I'm looking at alpha patterns that just have the backward and forward arrows on either side of the edges. And only on tutorial patterns do they have the edge arrows doing b-f and f-b. Why isn't this automatically applied to all alpha patterns on this site if its important?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by _dreamer
Because not everyone does them some people just do the regular forward and backwards! But this would be a good thing to have! Also this might not be correct since I am not a moderator or admin but this is what I think
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Crafty_K
Hi, @Esemplastc. The reason why the pattern does not have it is that some people do not like the straight edges technique on their alphas, and prefer the classic alpha look, with the curvy edges. The straight edges technique is basically an add-on if that makes sense. 🙂 So basically alphas were originally created the way they are on the patterns, and then, later on, the straight edges technique was added on. This may sound confusing, but I hope this was helpful! 😄 Happy knotting!
- @Crafy_K
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Crafty_K
Bracelet King
4 years ago by danielle_3
not everyone likes the straight edge technique! also it can be confusing for beginners. also some people don’t know it exists or it’s cause that’s how alphas were originally made! another thing is that many people read just the grid part of the pattern and not the actual arrows so it would be difficult to put the arrows on the grid part.
4 years ago by aliceboo
you should suggest this on one of the other forums as optional for the maker of the pattern - it could make people more aware of how to make bracelets better! x
4 years ago by halokiwi
The only thing that would be different would be the arrows in the knots at the edge so I am not sure how useful that would be 😄 the straight-edges technique doesn't really change the overall structure of an alpha pattern. The only thing it would help with is the common mistake of doing just one instead of two bf or fb knots.

But I think it would be cool to have something like this for normal patterns because it is a little more complex in normal patterns because (in most cases) an extra string gets added at the edges.
4 years ago by Margaron
Straight edges as a technique isn’t ‘important’ to making alphas. It’s an aesthetic choice like starting with a triangle or a teardrop. People who struggle with straight edges sometimes find the technique helps keep the wobble out of their edges and thus swear by it, but it is by no means a necessary component to making alpha patterns. I’ve been knotting for 16 years and have only used it 3 or 4 times myself. 🤷🏻‍♀️ and as @danielle_3 said I wouldn’t even notice because I only read the graph image and don’t often look at the knotting grid.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PugCakePop
Its personal preference. I love the technique so i always use it, regardless of what the pattern says. Skme people dont like it so they just go with the curvy edges. Both look good! 😄
Bracelet King
4 years ago by bsoftball
The straight edge technique is a little more difficult so they put the other way on for beginners.
4 years ago by Esemplastc
Ok, thank you all for the answers! Any new viewers of this topic please know that you don't need to reply to this anymore.