straight edge with color change in alpha
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by angeldior
I’m working on pattern #26588 and am on row 14 (working from left to right on this row) the next row has white on the edge(on the right), so how would I do that with the straight edge technique? And once I do that, the black (in this case), when I bring it to use it, will be shown in the front of the bracelet instead of the back. I am so sorry if this is confusing!!!!
So basically what do I do when I’m using the straight edge technique but my next row starts with another color, then what do I do with the previous string since I can’t put in the back?
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by oceanknot
Do a normal color switch without using the flat alpha technique. Put your old leading string under your base strings, then take the new leading string and do a bf knot on the edge without pulling the old leading string through. It will make the border separate from the rest, but you won’t be able to tell in the end, and it’s better than having your old leading string show on the edges.
4 years, 2 months ago by halokiwi
You can do the straight edges technique (bf knots on the left edge and fb knots on the right edge). Just make sure you always do 2 bf or fb knots right after each other because you are replacing both the first and the last knot of each row.

Like said above you can't do the flat alpha colour switch right at the edge. Instead do a regular colour switch.