Making perfect alphas but bad normals
Bracelet King
4 years ago by sampuv00
Anyone else with me?! Ever since I learned how to make alphas my bracelet world opened up and I started making alphas like crazy and they apparently came very natural to me because Im always happy with way they turned out. Normals on the other hand....ive been learning how to do bracelets for the better part of this year and im still not 100% happy with my normals. Sometimes they still turn out wonky or they curl. Why is it my alphas are perfect but my normals are shaky? Anyone else have this!?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by tikbyg33
I don't have this problem, but one reason that they are turning out wonky could be of a couple reasons...
1. Are you using the same thickness of thread
2. Are you using the straight edge technique? Masha Knots I believe has a video on that.

Try those first and see how it works!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by oceanknot
Here’s a video about how to keep the edges of your normal patterns straight
Also, I would say that you don’t necessarily need to use the same brand of string for normals, but it definitely makes a difference in alphas.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by YasmineAnn
I have the exact same thing! I thought I was the only one. The problem isn't the thread (for me at least), but I don't know what it is. I would love to be good at normal. I really want to make a starburst, but everytime I tried, they turned out very ugly. My alphas however are fine
4 years ago by Lima_Bean
I've made normal patterns since I started in the hobby. I noticed that some patterns just won't turn out perfectly straight no matter how many tricks are used. It helps a lot to water block your bracelets once they are finished. it is a technique used in knitting, and it works well on natural fibers such as cotton. You can soak your bracelets in water and find a straight edge such as that of a table. Then grasp the bracelet firmly on either end, and run it along the edge of the table quite hard a few times. When it dries it should be straighter than before, as well as nice and soft. If your bracelets are curling it could indicate that the knot tension is too tight.
Hope I helped at least a little bit, and good luck!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by sampuv00
wow ill try that thanks!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by niamheroo
Keep practicing. It took me ages to be happy with my normal bracelets. Make sure you are correctly following the pattern, and when you see the bracelet start to get bad, re-do it if you can. Also, make sure that you are tying the knots the same thickness. For me, forward knots end up a lot tighter then backward knots if I am not paying attention.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Aracne
I make always good normal patterns and bad alphas :' but always gettu
Ing better on alphas because of practicing a lot !
Bracelet King
4 years ago by jadeflwr13
i’ve enjoyed making alphas more than normals recently and have definitely improved with how many i’ve made. with normal patterns i’d have a lot of problems with keeping the edges straight and knots flipping. while i find that with alphas it’s not a problem tying knots really tightly, but with normals it’s more of a problem since its what causes the bracelet to curl. i’d recommend loosening your knots when making normals and using the straight edge technique <3
Bracelet King
4 years ago by jadeflwr13
i’ve enjoyed making alphas more than normals recently and have definitely improved with how many i’ve made. with normal patterns i’d have a lot of problems with keeping the edges straight and knots flipping. while i find that with alphas it’s not a problem tying knots really tightly, but with normals it’s more of a problem since its what causes the bracelet to curl. i’d recommend loosening your knots when making normals and using the straight edge technique <3
Bracelet King
4 years ago by knotnormal
I think your normals look good, but just keep practicing.