alpha single starting loop
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by amelia904
**I apologize if this doesn’t make sense but ya I appreciate if u do actually read it** 🙃🙃🙂

ok so I know how to make a starting loop for normal patterns, and when u do that the string u make the loop with will end up on both halves/groups of strings, cuz it’s always and even amount of strings and they are the same on both sides

buuuut when u make an alpha you use the string from the loop to make the shaped start (like as ur leading string) but what do u do with the string on the other side (that came from the loop)
do u make it a base string, do u cut it, or what

lol thanks in advance 😅
(again sry I tried my best to explain my question😝)
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by niamheroo
OK so if I understood it right, there are triangle starts? I usually just chose one leading string to use and drop the one from the other side. Then I get the string I chose and do a row combining the starts, then just do a few rows and you can cut off the non-chosen string. Sorry I think I explained it horridly.
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by amelia904
@niamheroo yes it’s one triangle start at the top, so I just do the triangle end ignoring the string I didn’t choose until later and I can cut it off
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by niamheroo
Yeah, that is what I usually do. Some people most likely have other suggestions though. Hope this helped!