curve in alpha bracelet
9 years, 6 months ago by Tezza96
Hello, I have just started my first ever alpha bracelet and I'm three rows down but it's curving. But it's more in the shape of a rounded 'w'. I wish I could post a picture to show you guys what i mean but is there anyway to salvage it?
When you do a new row of knots it doesn't go downwards at the edges like it should but curves upwards !!
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by unicorn44
I don't know how to help... sorry :/
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by Mermaid12
Hello 🙂 Try to be consistent when you are tying your knots. Make sure that you are tying them all using the same amount of tightness. You are still pretty early in the bracelet. Three rows is a small amount, and I find that although some bracelets start off looking uneven, they look fine and even out as I go on. I would also suggest using a clipboard, because I find that my knots are much neater when I use one! I hope this helps. Good luck 🙂 🙂
9 years, 6 months ago by frenchie63
The first rows are often curved and then it can become straight by itself. I have a girly tip to start my bracelets. I hold the strings in a hair grip to give a straight shape to the first rows.
And if you use a great number of strings, don't make one big knot to keep the strings together. Make several little knots with groups of 8 strings to tie your bracelet to your safety pin.
9 years, 6 months ago by Tezza96
Thank you for your advice. I am using a clip board, so that can't be why. I know is early on but the ends are not going down wards but going right to the top. It's so hard to explain lol
Bracelet King
9 years, 6 months ago by unicorn44
you can always put a pic as your avatar
9 years, 6 months ago by Braacelets
Try to tie each knot the same way.
9 years, 6 months ago by Margaron
It sounds to me like there's a couple things going on. First and foremost you should check the wrappers on whatever string you're using. Wool, embroidery floss etc. will all have a weight or a thread count to it. If your strings do not all have the same thread count this can cause the 'buckling' type effect you mentioned. If you look at your wrappers and they're all the same you could be encountering something I did when I started alphas which is your backwards knots are not the same size as your forwards knots. If you take a look at your bracelets do your backwards knots look bigger or different shaped than the others? And finally did you make sure your very first line was straight when you tied it? Minor variances in that line can be greatly exaggerated when you add a couple rows to it. I hope this helps, if you need more assistance feel free to message me 🙂
Bracelet King
9 years, 5 months ago by impersonat
I had the same problem! I figured out what you can do. If your braclet is in the shape of a "W" you shoul push up on the bottom of both "V" parts so that it would become a straight horizontal line. If it doesnt work, keep in mind that practice will help your knots become straigter and neater, and you wont have this problem anymore. Good luck! 🙂
Bracelet King
9 years, 3 months ago by wolf3
if you keep making rows that are all fairly the same, then it should sort itself out. sometimes it's just the way the strings were tied when it made your first knot
Bracelet King
9 years ago by DragonFly1
I find that I can avoid that sort of bunching at the top by using a thick and straight object at the top (like a nail file). After the first few rows, I use my fingernails or putty knife to keep every row straight and completely parallel to the row above. I can post a video in a couple days showing exactly what I mean. I think that may make more sense. I hope this helps! 🙂
8 years, 4 months ago by Bentoshan
If it curves a little, I try to stretch it out and put a lot of pressure to straighten it. I like to use a strong binder clip with a ruler sometimes, or tape when starting. ( :
7 months ago by Quackamel6
yeah same thing is happening to me, the first rows have like a u shape but as you go along it gets fixed and becomes more even although it may not look straight in the first three rows
7 months ago by halokiwi
@Quackamel6 this topic is over eight years old. I recommend not digging up sich old topics.