Segment knot bracelet
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by PugCakePop
The bracelet is #41273, and I want to make it but I'm really bad at segment knot patterns and I don't get how to knot the pattern at all. Can anyone explain it to me?
4 years, 2 months ago by halokiwi
This bracelet is a little complicated to explain how to segment knot.

My recommendation for you would be to instead knot row by row.

If you want to segment knot I recommend watching a video on segment knotting
or reading a tutorial

I can give you some pointers for the pattern but I won't be able to get into detail:
- The bracelet consists of three parts: the white triangle, the plaid triangle and the swirl square.
- In the white triangle you can make whatever knots you want. I recommend changing all knots in the left white triangle to f and in the right white triangle to b. That way you can knot the white triangles like candystripes.
- For the plaid triangle I recommend you watch a tutorial on a plaid bracelet on YouTube. Some people tend to knot it row by row, others segment knot it.
- For the swirl I recommend using the tutorial I wrote to figure it out. (It's the second tutorial).

Sorry, that I couldn't help you more 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by PugCakePop
Thanks for including the links! I will definitely watch them 🙂