How do I make and add a pattern?
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by PugCakePop
I want to make a pattern and add it to the site but I don't know how. Anyone?
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by 2006_Mandy
You have to be on the website hold your mouse on your profile at the top and press create pattern then chose either normal or alpha
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Knotatti
Hi! To make a pattern you can check out the tutorial in the tutorials section. To add it to the site, click on your profile and a drop down menu will appear, one of the options will be create patterns, click on that. There are two options - normals and alphas. To make a normal pattern you have first draw it on graph paper and then make the knot structure, then you have to type the knots and arrange the colours. To make alphas you have to draw pixel art, you can also create alphas from images and fonts. When you make an alpha from an image, you have to tweak it (there is a tutorial on it in the tutorials section). After you finish your pattern, make sure it is not giving any warnings, if it is there is a chance that your pattern may be declined. You should add at least four key words for your pattern. Then if you scroll down you can find “submit to the site”, click on that. Your pattern will go for review, this normal takes around a day. Hope this helps!
4 years, 4 months ago by bunny9
Hi to make a pattern you need to be logged in on the website and then pence you do click on your profile and a drop down menu should pop up once that pops up click create pattern there is a + in a circle next this, other features in the drop down are log out, to dos, and lovesClick the crest patterns and it should bring you to a page where you can choose to make either a normal pattern or a alpha pattern From there depending on which one you choose there will be various ways to make your pattern like coloring each pixel Or using letter coding Or picture Or from font To add the pattern you need to fill in the keywords, keywords are just if someone was specifically looking for your pattern how would you describe it to someone to find it To add the pattern you need to agree with terms and conditions and then it will be submitted to the moderators to accept or decline This might take maybe 2ish 😊business days If it’s accepted you’ll get a notification saying what the pattern number is to find it and you’re good If it’s not there will be a decline message saying what you need to work on and improve and then you can just edit your pattern until it’s good |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by PugCakePop
Thanks everyone! I just started making the pattern now