what type of string is the best to use for alpha bracelets? page 2
2 years, 7 months ago by ChloeD
Can I use a really thin string for my base strings and use a thicker one as my lead strings in alphas?
2 years, 7 months ago by astring
i like embroidery floss
2 years, 7 months ago by craft_raft
When I try and add a topic to this it say this field is required? Can anyone help? As for type of string, I use embroidery floss but that’s cause I embroidery to, I don’t know what is best.
2 years, 6 months ago by Carrie_h
normally people use embroidery thread , my favorite brand of string to use is DMC .
2 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
@ChloeD I would not do that. Alphas tend to look a little elongated anyways. Using really thin base strings will only make this more visible because the knots get less wide.
2 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
@craft_raft you might have forgotten either the title or the message of the topic you wanted to add
2 years, 6 months ago by doodle-th
I like to use cotton pearl/ crochet thread usually size 5 or 3 which is a good size, fave brands are either dmc petra which comes in a big ball (can get it on amazon for like a fiver and lasts forever) or rico crochet which is only 2.50 for about the same amount and in loads of colours on lovecrafts (online shop) or my new personal fave is the site love wool, they have a size 5 crochet called scheepjes maxi sweet treat, they're 1.50 for a good size ball in so many colours!
2 years, 6 months ago by PineGirl
I like atDawen from Amazon.
Bracelet King
2 years, 6 months ago by rollergirl
You can really use whatever thread you want (I like dmc embroidery thread or dmc pearl cotton thread) as long as you use all thread with the same thickness. Make sure your background color and base strings are the same thickness. (Other add in strings that only have a few knots don’t matter as much as long as it’s only 1-10 ish knots.
1 year, 5 months ago by bree_1542
Hello, this forum looks a bit dated but I think I’ll give it a shot. I have a ball of dmc thread that I think is size 8, is that too thin to use for base strings?