Alpha Straight Edges
4 years, 4 months ago by Shroni
How can I keep my Alphas edges straight, I do the straight edge technique but it's still not straight.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by chkntaters
You can try adjusting your knot tension by tying them tighter or looser, but I would mainly suggest just practicing. Eventually they should start looking better with time.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by rubisaa11
I've found that if you just rely on the straight edges technique to keep your alphas straight that it doesn't work. The main reason for the straight edges technique is so that your alphas don't have the 'bumps' on the edges from turning the string around for the next row. In order to keep the actual edges of your alphas straight, you have to find the 'goldilocks zone' for your knot tension. A lot of people find that tying their knots looser helps, but for me, tying my knots looser resulted in there being some small holes in my bracelet. I like to tie my knots somewhere in the middle and that's what works for me to keep my alphas straight. I also fiddle around with my bracelet a lot when I'm knotting. If I see that my bracelet is getting skinnier, I gently pull the bracelet apart to straighten it out. When it gets wider, I try to contract the bracelet back in. Hopefully this helps! Happy knotting 😄