How to add strings
4 years, 4 months ago by wildsoul_
Hey ! I enjoy making bracelets but because of this problem i can't do many of them . That type of bracelet does not start with all strings from the begining, like the ones i know to make and there are added strings later on the bracelet and i have a lot of trouble because of this pls help.I hope you understood im not good at english. 🙁 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by Conrnelia
What you mean are so called alpha bracelets and those are different to make. If you want to make it watch the flat alpha video from Masha knots or the alpha tutorials from Megan Morris on YouTube. If you start doing them use about 10-16 strings and look that you don't have to work with more than 3 colours at the same time
4 years, 4 months ago by maggievsco
Start with doing 2 colors on alpha and watch films on yt just find video ,, alpha braclet tutorial" or something like that
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by jgrace
To make alpha bracelets with color switches, you add the new string in by taping down the color you want to add. Once you have it taped down, you can start to knot with this color. When you’ve finished knotting with the new color, you switch back to your old string by putting it under the base strings and knotting onto the next. If you’re having trouble I would suggest watching videos on how to make alphas since it’s hard to explain 🙂
4 years, 3 months ago by Caleb1509
Ok, yo hablo español e inglés, ayudo en cualquiera de los dos idiomas, cuál prefieres
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by ks_wizard
Bună! Nu sunt pe deplin sigur dacă vorbiți românește, dar profilul dvs. a spus că sunteți din România, așa că fac o presupunere.Tipul de brățară despre care vorbiți se numește alfa. Vă recomand să urmăriți tutorialul lui Masha Knot pe YouTube. Practic faci o brățară, dar o faci orizontal, în loc de diagonală dacă segmentezi nodul. Nu sunt cel mai bun explicator, dar videoclipul intră în detaliu și mi s-a părut de ajutor. Mult noroc! Îmi pare rău, de asemenea, dacă acest lucru nu are sens, folosesc Google Translate! 🙃 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Lulu_24
Masha Knots has a tutorial.