Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by minapeng
Hi there are elementary kids on my block and they are the ones who are mostly gonna get something from my business (grades 1st 2nd and 3rd btw) how long do I cut the strings for them? Just need to make sure because I’m planning on launching it today or tomorrow
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by ladybeeyle
It depends on the pattern ans size of their wrists, but normally you will need 85 centimetre of string each colour if you are making triangle ends with ties on each side and 170-180 centimetre of string each colour if you are making a loop. If you are making thicker patterns you will need 1 metre of string if making triangle ends with ties and 2 metre of string if making a loop. It always depends on the pattern and size of wrist. If making a chevron, candy stripe or any simple patterns you will need only 85cm ( triangle ends) or 170 cm (loop). If making a complicated patterns you will need 1m (triangle ends) or 2m (loop) of string. Hope this helps! 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by ribbitfrog
Since they are younger, I would recommend making the bracelet part about four inches, with longer ties and adjustable ends to fit their wrist. This means that the strings won't need to be as long as when you make regular bracelets.
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by minapeng
Ah ok thanks!
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by EBPacker2
I would say you could do your wingspan. Even though these people are younger, I don't know how much of a difference that will make, so I would say keep to your normal length, maybe making it a little bit shorter. You will probably have extra, but you could use those for alphas. I really hope this helps and if you need any other suggestions, or help please feel free to message me. (If you respond via this post please put my username in it so I am able to see it and respond faster!) @EBPacker2 |
4 years, 6 months ago by quartzx2
ok, I've made chevron, candy stripe, and arrowhead. whenever I try to make a different bracelet I mess up and it gets ruined. I have like 5 unfinished messed up bracelets on my floor. what do I do? sincerely, frustrated.
4 years, 6 months ago by chocochip
@quartzx2 calm down. I know it’s frustrating, but when you’re stressed you tend to mess up more and that would just be awful. The way I first learned bracelets was by learning the different types of knots. With that, you can move on to more complex things. I find that when you’re just starting out, reading patterns are super complicated and you wanna stick with segment knotting. When I first learned, after chevron i learned heart, (which I think is #150) but I learned it segment knotting it’s just easier that way so maybe look up a tutorial for segment knotting a heart. Then I learned diamond again with segment knotting and then I learned a stitch the person who taught me called “triple diamond.” I don’t think that’s the real name but if you have a question on that feel free to message me. Then after that, once I was confident with all the kinds of knots I started reading normal patterns, but small ones at first, and then eventually I transitioned to Alphas, but I still struggle with those. Don’t be discouraged this is hard stuff. I believe in you.
4 years, 6 months ago by quartzx2
thank you so much for ur comments! i feel very encouraged and now I'm into making checkers and arrowheads and bigger bracelets. my next goal is alphas soon! special thanks to @chocochip and @Jdog12525