Evgura I going to try to answer some of your questions 1. You cut the strings your knotting onto as long as you want your bracelet to be including the ties and you want your string your knotting with really long. 2. you use the full length. 3. Yes. 4. Yes. 5. She used a color changing string. 6. You do a row of backward knots. 7. Martha knots has a whole playlist for starting and finishing bracelets hope this helps
Although I've been making friendship bracelets for a while, I was unable to follow your instructions. Can you answer the following: 1. How long to cut the strings -- both the strings which are not the "knotting string" and the "knotting string itself. 2. Do you fold them strings in half before making a knot or use full length? 3. Is the "knotting string" included in the group of strings that are knotted together? 4. Is the "knotting string" to be placed on the far left of the group? 5. Why is it that you have many colors for the non-knotting strings, but only 3 colors appear in the design (purple, lavender, white). 6. If you flip the bracelet over (step 3), doesn't the string which you just used to make the row of forward knots appear on the far left again -- and will be used to make the row of knots again? If so -- how do the other colors of strings get used (if at all)? 7. If there is just a knot joining the strings together -- what are your suggestions for beginning and ending the bracelet so that someone can wear it? (loop? braids? adjustable closure? )