Oh, I've been using this method for ages. It's so much faster to take on and off. I'm glad to see a tutorial on it! A few extra tips:
- This specific knot type is called a square sliding knot. If you're having trouble figuring it out, do a quick internet search on it and you'll find plenty of video tutorials.
- You need big knots where the braids end! Make sure the slider won't try to go OVER them. It's a pain to try to move it off the woven part of the bracelet.
- I always braid together THREE different strands of thread (often excess from when I finished the bracelet) into one thick strand to use as the slider. I'm not sure why, but it moves much more easily. (Also, it looks prettier. 🙂) It's a little harder to tie off at the end but worth the extra work, in my experience.
- CLEAR NAIL POLISH is your best friend. Put it on the cut-off ends to keep them from fraying and coming apart. Just take care not to get it between the slider and the bracelet's braids!
- Finally, if you're making the bracelet for yourself, I recommend consistently checking its length against your own wrist while you make it so you know you'll have enough thread for the end. Sometimes I've had to cut myself off sooner than I wanted so I'd be able to wear the darn thing. 😛