Comments of Guide - Adding a Buckle to your Bracelet tutorial
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1 year, 4 months ago by gloubinini
thank's a lot 😍
1 year, 10 months ago by estossala
Hello @stzrburst
I believe you can! although my experience hasn't been the most positive with this approach.
I have made multiple bracelets with lark head knots on one end but for some reason, the buckle section that is tied to them "slides" and makes all the strings accumulate in one side of the buckle, it makes it look ugly from my perspective.
I think this is because the knots are not tight enough against the buckle, so maybe I just needed to do a better job with that. If you look at my photos in my profile, look at #3526, it shows one end with larks head knot and the other with regular knots. I have done this for both normal and alpha bracelets.
1 year, 10 months ago by stzrburst
on an alpha bracelet! (referring to last comment)
1 year, 10 months ago by stzrburst
can you use the larks head knot (like starting a keyring/keychain) on the buckle to start it?
2 years ago by estossala
Hello @green23
I am glad you found it useful for your bracelet making activities. I do the same! it just makes it easier to wear them without making a mess. 🙂
2 years ago by green23
after reading this tutorial, all my bracelets are made with a buckle. thank you very much.
2 years, 3 months ago by estossala
Yes. You should be able to use this regardless of the number of strings and if they are even or odd.
Lets say you have 10 strings
to tight them you will kind of go like this
the arrows signifying how you are tying the knots from the outside to the inside and then the circle signifying how you tied the center together.

If you have 11 strings then it will be
pick a side for the last part...
so I have 6 knots on the left (above) and five on the right.
and then tight them together.

I hope this explanation is good. haha.

2 years, 3 months ago by larice20
Does this also work for patterns that have an odd number of base strings, or does it just work for an even number of base strings?
2 years, 3 months ago by estossala
Excellent question @larice20!
It does. In fact I think it looks better. Because the strings inside the bracelet are displayed in a rather cool way from my point of view. If you look at my profile, you will find many alphas with these buckles.
Thank you
2 years, 3 months ago by larice20
@estossala Does this work for alphas as well?
2 years, 3 months ago by estossala
Thank you @slayqueen1!
2 years, 3 months ago by slayqueen1
This is so cool!
2 years, 4 months ago by estossala
Thank you for your reply!
What a fantastic idea... I hadn't thought of a lark knot for one of the ends! That is what is so great about this community! It will make it pretty much indestructible like you mentioned, but the best part. It is EASIER to tie! haha!
Thank you again for your comment 😉
2 years, 4 months ago by La_Loca
I've done two buckle-based projects so far (one as a collar for my dog, and just recently for an alpha bracelet)... I kinda had to figure out myself how to do it, but amazingly, it was pretty darn close to what this tutorial explains.... well done!
The only addition I would make would be if the bracelet is an alpha, to do a lark knot on the one end of the buckle for your main strings. makes that one buckle end indestructible!
Good Tutorial! Thnx for adding to the community! 😎
2 years, 5 months ago by estossala
Hello @bejohnson!
Thank you for your comment. I had no idea there were circular buckles, it could be a nice alternative! 🙂
2 years, 5 months ago by bejohnson
Buckles have saved my life!! I personally used buckles circular holes, but I love the rectangular ones too. Slab 12 on Etsy has an amazing selection of different buckle sizes and shapes for good prices. Thank you for this tutorial!
2 years, 5 months ago by estossala
Thank you for your comment @behappy8
2 years, 5 months ago by behappy8
this tutorial is AWESOME!.. I totally didn't forget that there are people who don't know how to do this 😂 😂 😂