I would like to know how you get your cords to stay put at the top in order to have them all the same length for the ends? I have tried scotch tape to stick them on and then put them under the clip on the top of the board, but I can't get the cords to stick to the tape. It is good tape too. I was wondering if there was another way?
@La_Loca Amazing !! I use a piece of cardboard with notches (which I made myself) it certainly helps me but it damages the threads over time so it's not very practical 😅 but your idea seems to be better than mine! Really good job 🤩 also I wanted to ask you which pattern you used for your tutorial please? It’s SOO BEAUTIFUL 💗
I made my own Loca Board and I love it! ❤️ You can see my version in a photo for #26242. It takes a little practice to get used to knotting on it but it's super helpful. I might make another larger board using a larger drafting board that you can find in art supply stores and online. It would allow me to make a longer strip and do the side strips like @La_Loca has in her version. I highly recommend making your own board.
I use a clipboard on it's side for knotting. This one is a letter/standard/A4 size clipboard from Amazon. I clip the bracelet using a quilt clip (you can get them on Amazon or craft store) along the long side. Or use a binder clip from an office supply store. I clip a copy of the pattern I'm making with the actual clip for the board.
For the foam strip I used 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch foam weatherstripping that I found on Amazon. It's got a strong adhesive strip on it. I made my cuts 1/4" apart but I wish I'd gone just slightly bigger and metric and did them 1 cm apart. I used an exacto knife to cut the foam after measuring and marking it. I made about 36 slits in an approximately 10 inch strip.
The total cost of this board was $22.37 (US $). The weatherstripping was $12.38 for 13 ft. So I now have a lot of it but I'll use the leftovers as actual weatherstripping when I put my AC up again next summer. The pretty clipboards are about $10. I just had to have the sleeping kitten one. One more thing that's on almost all of my knotting clipboards is an adhesive backed measuring tape (from Amazon).
Oh and I wanted to mention to everyone that the foam would also be available at a hardware store. It's usually got a sticky stip on it for blocking gaps in windows and when you put your AC in a window, etc.
What a great idea! I'm definitely going to make myself one. I've seen the tiny little friendship bracelet plastic board with the pegs but I like your idea better. It would accommodate a much wider bracelet which is when this would be most helpful anyway. I just recently slogged through my widest at 30 strings and I mean slog. It took me weeks as I kept putting it down because it was just such a hassle with all the strings and one of them was the Etoile from DMC which doesn't have a very tight twist so all the strands in the floss separate almost immediately. I currently use a clipboard turned sideways and I clip my bracelet in progress using a binder clip. The actual clip board clip holds my pattern. I think what I'll do is put the foam with the slots along one side (the bottom from my knotting perspective). I'll send you a photo when I'm done.