@2006_Mandy You can buy it on Amazon, but you can actually make your own soda ash. 🙂
Homemade soda ash: 1. Pour baking soda into a cookie sheet. Spread it out to form a layer. 2. Bake the soda at 400°F (200°C) for 30 minutes to 1 hour. The time isn’t critical. You can’t ‘overcook’ the soda, but you want to be sure to drive off all the water. You should also stir it up occasionally, just so that it bakes more evenly. 3. Remove the pan from heat, allow it to cool, and store it in a sealed container to keep it from picking up moisture from the air.
I've been wondering how you can do this at home for quite a while. I always looked for yarn with gradients, but you can't find much of pearl cotton, what I prefer to use. And tie dyed yarn is really expensive, due to the shipping cost, because most of the shops are in the USA, and I'm not. (You wanna buy one skein for $5, and need to pay $20 for shipping to Germany ._.)
Anyway, I definitely wanna try this out, some day. Thanks so much for this helpful tutorial! ❤️
@Top_Xoxo The easiest way is to use a tie-dye kit which will contain the fabric dye you need. I've had good luck with 'Doodlehog Tie Dye Party Kit' on Amazon.
Okay so they turned out pastel. So if you want the product to be similar to the dye( like KrazyKnotz) use soda ash. If you plan on making them more pastel you can probably get by without soda ash. Unless your kit says you need soda ash. Mine either didn’t say or said you didn’t. Overall I found this very enjoyable and am looking forward to using my new thread.
For thread you can use other colors as long as they're a light color, it will just have a tint of the color that the thread was originally, this is called over dyeing.