After spending a bit of time practicing this technique, I think it can be summed up as a method of guiding the hidden colour. When you want to guide it down, then think of the hidden colour as going in the same direction as the base string (i.e. it should be knotted together). Guiding it to the left or right just uses the regular flat alpha technique
Hmm, I haven't made or even learned how to make my first alpha bracelet but I feel this is similar to carrying a stitch (I think that's the term?) when knitting with needles. I'm going to attempt to incorporate this in my first alpha bracelet -- wish me luck! Thank you for the detailed tutorial!
Thank you!!! One little thing, there is an "our" instead of an "out" in "Make sure you add the colour of the flower center in one row before and leave it OUR one row later" 😊
@cadoized If you check out pattern #59867 AMD search for the photo posted by @sodapop you will see you can hide two strings and it will still look good