@Lizzie_Ann When you said to make half hitch knots, should we make the knots on top of the black string which is adjacent to the red string? or should we do something else? (I hoe you understand my question 🙂)
@_Shark there isn't a certain way to thread the two "bracelets" together. It like cross-stitching. You make slanted lines by poking through the "Bracelet" then go back to make an x. Its very similar to cross stitching. You don't even have to make an x pattern. You can sew them together however you like. When connecting my bracelets I just guessed and experimented to get what I have. Let me know if you still need help and I could tell you what I did.
@Syd_uwu are you talking about connecting the two bracelets to make the case? If so, I just threaded string through a needle and poked the "bracelets" so that the needle would go through and I kept doing that. I was basically sewing the two bracelets together. If you still don't understand I could try to explain it more in depth for you! I could possibly make a YouTube video too.