I tried to make this bracelet once and since I didn't know how long to make the string it was only 3 inches long. How long should the string lengths be? And also is there some sort of trick to knowing how long to make a string when the pattern doesn't tell you???
I really enjoyed making this. My knots are really tight, so I ran out of string to make it the full 6 inches, if you also make tight knots I recommend making the strings a bit longer.
@Dgrant Instead of a loop, you probably want to start this bracelet with a shaped/triangle start. Masha Knots has a video on how to make this bracelet (I believe she called it the color block bracelet) as well as a video on triangle ends.
here is a translation of what @antitesis said in English: For a 16 cm handle with 9 cm of braids at the end I use 96 cm of thread of all the colroes, in the end I have left over between 8 cm and 20, this pattern is very misleading and you may be very busy in some and in others you are missing, that's why I recommend using the same amount as me (you may be able to horre 20 cm of yellow and blue but I do not recommend it) if you want to do it the same length, the general measurement varies according to your planning how long you prefer it
I always put this type of comment on the patterns I make and I invite you to do the same and share how much thread you used and your recommendations.
RECOMENDACIONES DE CUANTO HILO USAR ver la foto que subí de estre patron ,arriba o en mi perfil, donde esta mi manilla y el hilo que me sobro
para una manilla de 16 cm con 9 cm de trenzas al final utilice 96 cm de hilo de todos los colroes, al final me sobro entre 8 cm y 20, este patron es muy engañoso y puede que te sobre mucho en unos y en otros te falte, por eso recomiendo usar la misma cantidad que yo ( talvez podrias horrar 20 cm de amarillo y azul pero no lo recomiendo) si deseas hacerlo del mismo largo, la medida general varia segun tu planeacion de que tan largo lo prefieres
simpre pongo este tipo de comentarios en los patrones que realizo y te invito a hacer lo mismo y compartir cuanto hilo usaste y tus recomendaciones