@MasonS that is awesome, my dad had a similar program. we would 'dive' into the fractals and explore! but there wasn't enough memory on that computer so it would be pretty slow pretty quickly, since it has to do sooo many calculations each iteration!
@DBLDRM Fractals, right! My old teacher had a program on her big clunky box computer where you could zoom in on a fractal forever, and we would sometimes get to play with it. It was really fun
@MasonS they are called fractals~ ! From these recursive equations or algorithms emerge awesome patterns! This one is derived from a fractal called the Mandelbrot Set. Mandelbrot was a mathematician! Anyway, I haven't finished yet, I am actually still on row 61! I had a few weeks of no crafting because I was moving, But I am about to sit down and do a few rows, so I will tag you when I finish some day soon! 🎉